The Tale of Two Wood Cook Stoves


I like to talk to people. When I go into our little town to do errands my family always teases that it will take me forever because I talk my way through town. But when you talk to people you learn things.

New people I meet will always ask, “So what do you do?” and when I tell them about Stoves and More, if they are old enough, they inevitably have a story about theirs or their grandmother’s wood cook stove and how big a part it played in survival of the family. Now you must realize, WV is extremely mountainous and it wasn’t until the massive road-building projects in the 1960’s that electricity came to many of those isolated in mountain “hollers”. The beloved wood cook stove provided heat, a way to cook and bake and made hot water. It allowed them to can and put up food  for the winter. But then they stop smiling and start shaking their head and usually say something like, “that stove sure was pretty but that firebox was so small all we did was feed it wood.”  Which translated into keeping the younger children of the family busy splitting wood and carrying it in to the house.

Well, now we have electricity, and all sorts of modern inventions and wood cook stoves have changed, too. The Plain People, didn’t like feeding those tiny wood boxes either and decided to re-design the stoves. If you are on this site then you are probably in the market for a wood cook stove because you know, even if you aren’t going to use it everyday, what a huge asset these stoves can be, especially when there is some sort of crisis.

Below is a link to a great blog article by someone who made the switch from the the old to the new. It was published in Mother Earth News magazine. Many of us who like wood cook stoves don’t stop there. We are intrigued with living off the land and how things used to be done.  Mother Earth News,  if you aren’t familiar with it, is a great source of all kinds of information when it comes to homestead-type living. Here is also a link to the stove we sell that is featured in the blog:    Enjoy.